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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blown Away!

Temperatures are dropping here in the Northeast of China. It is beginning to feel like a real holiday season! This week has proven once again that there is no usual standard for living life here in China. Things are not static but dynamic- our schedule is always changing! For example, on Tuesday I have English Corner to teach. I usually teach with my teammate Colby, but he is unable to teach with me for a couple weeks so I am sailing the ship by myself! I was feeling a bit lethargic and not quite as energetic as I had hoped walking into English Corner but I just asked for renewal as I waked in. There were about two girls standing by the door waiting for the keyman to unlock it. We chatted for a bit when all of a sudden I heard so so many voices carrying towards us from downstairs. I was thinking to myself man, that sure sounds like a lot of people, I wonder if there is another thing going on over here- usually my English Corner is the only class taught in this part of the building. Not too concerned, I dismissed the voices. But, not long after, I saw a horde of students fill the waiting room to get into my English Corner room. I was in complete shock! Seriously? Are you kidding me? No, they couldn’t all possibly be here for English Corner- there was literally (and im not exaggerating) 120 students crowded in waiting for the door to be unlocked! Holy Cow! What am I supposed to do without Colby?! Well, I decided on first things first. I clapped my hands three times. The room began to silence itself as I heard “shh” circulate the little room. I was standing on a little ledge by the wall so I could see out across the faces of all the students. 120 dark-headed students with almond shaped eyes stared back at me expectantly.
            “Are you all here for English Corner?” I asked.
             A strong unified “yes!” came back at me. Oh Father, please direct my steps- I have NO idea what to do. I am pretty sure my heart was racing and my head began to spin- this was going to be a trip! Then I realized, He had this planned all along! Today’s English Corner topic: Religion. Yes, please! Of course He did not look down on me and say- oh oops sorry Courtney, didn’t realize you were teaching alone today. No!! He looked down and said, yes daughter. Today you will share with 120ish students about the works of my Love and the source of your joy and Hope. (Ephesians 2:10)
            “Okay, I need someone to find the man with the key to open the door to our room! Can anyone volunteer to do that?” I asked. One boy raised his hand and left the mass in search for the keys. When he returned, we were let into the room and I set up for the lecture. The students piled in and many had to find seats on the floor. These are His children- He already ordained the ears and hearts that would be open to receive the message of hope in the lecture on world religions. So, with a LOT of fear and trepidation, but trust in His bigger picture and ability, I began class. For the most part, class was smooth sailing as I talked about Hinduism, Buddhism and Animism, and then I got to Christianity. Here we go… as I had done for all the other religions, I let one person share with the class about each religion, as I had passed out informational articles on each one. For Christianity, I had one girl raise her hand with enthusiasm. I called on her and from the moment she began I knew this was a real sister. She shared the whole Good Book in a nutshell! I was in awe as she spoke in front of 120 or so of her classmates about the message of hope we both share! I was silently cheering her on as I encouraged her with my smile- what I hoped shined through as the Father’s smile on His sweet baby girl telling her classmates all about Him and the wondrous works of His Love! Aw, what a sweet moment to witness. I realized tonight, would I have had the nerve to do what she did? Stand up in front of my peers who are not believers and share my message of hope and love? Not to mention doing it in my second language? What a bold step of faith she took! Fearless of putting herself on the chopping block of ridicule. When she finished, I continued by sharing a little bit about how I believe in this faith. The class wrapped up with the question: What do you believe and why? The sister who had presented the Good message stood up once again and made a bold declaration of her mark as a sister. She explained how much she loves Him- that she is His daughter and how she has found love and hope in His sacrifice and redemption! I was once again humbled and knocked to my knees at this powerful display of faith and conviction. I had never seen her before in English Corner. Neither have I had so many students in one English Corner before. But, the Father, haha, He already knew that for this topic, He was rounding up His children to hear- and He was drawing in this daughter to take that step of faith tonight in addressing her peers. I could not have asked for a more beautiful experience. But wait! It gets better!

            One of my regular attendees asked to have dinner with me after. So, as we left English Corner she began asking questions about the girl that stood up and shared she was a sister.
            “So she believes the same faith as you?” I answered in the affirmative. And she proceeded to mention she had not heard of many of these religions before and so she has never believed in anything. Then she asked if the two of us went to fellowship together, or if I went to fellowship at all. I explained that I hadn’t been to a real fellowship here because it is spoken in Chinese and I cannot understand it- but I would be more than willing if she wanted to go! She enthusiastically replied yes! Yes! What a praise! Hopefully I will be going to fellowship with her and her friend who is a Buddhist. I sure hope the Father opens many, many more doors through this strange and mind-blowing English Corner. Like I said before, one of the biggest things I’ve learned in China- there is no typical routine- no usual schedule! And, so I’ve been seeing this more and more with the Father as well. He has a time and place for everything- yet we don’t know! That is why it is so important we are ready in season and out (1 Tim 4:2). May our words always be seasoned with salt, and may we always be ready to give an answer (1 Pt. 3:16-17).



  1. Thanks Court, that is pretty amazing. 120 students, definitely more than chance

  2. This is amazing!!! Wow. Such an encouragement to me here too! The Father can provide opportunities for us to do his work when we least expect it. I'm lifting you and these students up! I can't wait to hear more stories as you continue to teach these students!
