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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

To the left or to the Right, I find You.

It is the beginning of November. Where is time going? A question I continually ask myself throughout the day. Yet, each day I find myself being challenged, stepping back, and then taking a huge leap forward in response; growing and learning in my speedy days that fly by me! In class this week, I am playing the game 2 truths and a lie with my students. And lemme tell ya, I am getting a kick outta my students!! Monday is my trial by fire with the lesson plan! I have three classes on Mondays providing so much exposure with my lesson plan that I usually master it by the end of the day! So, in my first class the team names were the most creative! They had names like: oldwolf, and killers, and dream12 and smurfs. (And mind you, I had to have them repeat the names like 10 times each because they don't pronounce anything right so it was truly a sight to watch me try to figure out what they were yelling at me meanwhile all the students stare at me with looks that scream duhhh can't you understand what we're saying dummy!) All this to say, I saw their imaginations get a lil' crazy! Along with my students' creative ability coming into the light, I also saw a huge energy of competition consume them during the game!! I had yelling in Chinese with heated looks and pointing fingers in every class at some point during the game! (many times I felt completely helpless as I would sit mouth open at the craziness of the pointing and yelling unfolding before my eyes! I mean what do you do in that situation to solve!? especially if you can't understand ONE WORD they are yelling at each other lol!) In one of the classes (actually it's my most mellow class), as the students left after the bell rang, two girls were still arguing at an abnormal volume level. One of the boys in the class had to come over and call the argument off saying, "it's just a game- it's just a game and it's over!" Oops, seems my kids get a little firey when games are played! Which, let's be real.... I don't blame them- games get me fired up too! You wanna be the winner obviously!!

Anyways, Monday evening was full of an awesome time of fellowship with one of the Super-CTFers, Tannah. She has an incredible heart for Father and passion to learn more about His love and character! So encouraging! We made an incredible music video- which is being debated on whether or not it will be provided for the public to watch. It was a great time of laughter as I enjoyed the presence of someone that reminds me of friends from home! And the weather here has been pretty unique!! It fits the standards of crisp fall weather to a tee and I have been delighting in this perfect running weather! Everyday for the past week I have enjoyed wonderful Father-time in my runs! Today, Tuesday, was actually hot to me!! I went on a run around 5 pm tonight when it was dark outside and it was almost too warm to be wearing a jacket on my run! It was truly an awesome time to run though because it was dark and all I had to guide me was occasional light peeking over from the bleachers onto the track surface. It was a good time to enjoy the darkness and quietness of the night! Although I did learn tonight another China-fad! During the evenings, the track becomes the make-out/dating scene on campus. Every couple in existence was out on the track as I ran circle after circle! I couldn't believe how popular it was for them to just be walking or hanging out there in the dark... I mean shouldn't they be studying or doing their English homework?! haha It's obviously the better choice!!

So I had my English Corner class today. And I was not really looking forward to it because I was ready to be done for the day... but as I walked up the stairs and into the classroom, I was surprised to find about 40 students waiting in their seats for me!! I was so surprised- and then I heard my name being called out among the crowd and I saw several groups of my freshman students in the faces of the crowd! What on earth?! Our English Corner has never had this many students, and my students have never been to this class before! My energy and joy surged ahead of me and I was so thankful the Father provided that motivation tonight! He reminded me gently of the work that I have here and the love I have to share with these precious students! So, I got to teach these 40 students all about "pop culture in America!" We talked about the 80s, 90s, and pop culture now! It was fun to share with them music from my youth and music that is popular now! And for all my fellow faithful followers of the beloved JB, my students went crazy when I played Justin Bieber and showed his pic on my slideshow! And even as we were walking out, I overheard students singing his song "Baby, baby, baby"! It made me laugh!

Feeling homesick has recently become a common thread in my day to day living. It is not overwhelming, but it is present nonetheless. I figured it's normal though because I mean, I am in China! And today, I skyped with my mom and it all seemed to hit me at once. But yet, the Father always shows me His love! It truly blows my mind. After I sat for some time talking with my mom this afternoon, I got a text from my teammate that I had a package waiting for me. I practically sprinted over the lake to the library where they keep the packages. The "package-lady" (or so I call her :/ ) seemed to know exactly who I was and what I so desperately wanted, because she picked up one package and handed it to me. I looked at it and sure enough it was addressed to me! Ah, a reminder of how much love flows from home and how much I am being prayed over! I ripped it open and none other than my sister MCG had sent me some lovin'!!! MCG, thank you for your love and friendship and for being my sister since we were babaaiesss. You are a blessing in my life and I thank the Father for giving us the relationship that we have! He is so good to provide me with your package on the day I skyped you about being homesick! What divine timing! :) Anyways, the package had a taste of home! A delicious smelling fall-scented candle!! yes please! Some mittens! some chocolates and some tissues! (haha for all my homesick tears thanks mommma k!) Anyways, I felt loved once again today. So many times I am awed by His ability to love and my incompetency to think and live selflessly. No, I am far to often caught up with selfishness and self-pitying. Praise Him that in Eph 1:4, He reminds me of the doctrine of election! Far before I was capable of doing right or wrong, he elected me/chose me to be His child- holy and blameless in His sight! Thank Him for this kind of love that is far different than the love existing in this world. My ended with a wonderful time of fellowship and baking choc. chip banana bread with another teammate Monica. What beautiful hearts surround me as I live and work here with these brothers and sisters. I ask that even in the times of difficulty you encounter today or tomorrow, that you will find His love capturing you time and time again; whether it is to the left or to the right that you turn- you will find Him present and loving.

1 comment:

  1. SO glad the package made it! It was so hard for me to hear how homesick you were while knowing that was on its way, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I love you and miss you so much and wish I could have mailed myself to you! This Thanksgiving I am feeling very grateful to have been provided with you as a sister. XOXO!
