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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

some of the girls at the faculty Christmas Party

me and Tannah at the end of the year Banquet

we're not simply divas- we just know what we want!

I love my Heavenly Father and Creator. More and more as I walk throughout this life, I can see how real and true He is. Because I have wrapped up my first semester here, I would like to reflect on and share with you all a few of my favorite things about the semester, China, Father, and the way in which He has asked me to walk.

        1. Everything is about Him. Everything. I believe that growing up in American culture for me has shaped this idea that I am the center of my world and everything else revolves around that very fact. In most everything in my life, I find this evil root that is simply defined as how does it relate to me. If it’s a good relation (aka it benefits me), then make room for it in my life. If it’s a bad relation (aka it hurts me or causes damage to me), then cut it out. Living here this past semester, I have seen the painful reality of this perspective within my life. I believe Chinese ganqing has provided a firsthand encounter of a practical way to be “others” centered. Ganqing is the Chinese word for friendship. Chinese friendships are much different than American friendships. It takes a long time (like years) to develop a true friend in the Chinese culture. And once you are friends, you are friends for life- nothing deters this. Ganqing is a I help you and you help me style relationship. Once you have a established a good friendship, there will be the exchange of favors for one another. For example, I have a friend RiRi who tutors me in Chinese. While she helps me with the language, I also must make a deliberate effort to return the favor. One late evening, she texted me and asked if I would help her translate some English idioms from a TV show for her job. I naturally was not excited to do this, however, because of the importance of “ganqing” in Chinese culture, I made an extra effort to find time to help her translate. While this is not tied strictly to China, I believe the life of Tim Tebow is an incredible example of how everything is about Him. Time and time again, the Father has displayed miraculous power and glory through something trivial such as an athletic gift in the life of Time Tebow. While the world might say, how could G-d care about football games? I have learned this semester, because He cares about his sons and daughters. He has built us with dreams, desires, hopes, and gifts. He loves us more than we can imagine and part of love is the desire to see the beloved succeed and thrive. The Creator of these dreams and gifts wants to see this even more so. So, yes, I believe He is that concerned with the smallest details of our lives… things like sports. Things like weather. Things like administrative assignments for jobs. Things like music we listen to. Things like hot water or health. Father cares. I am learning to trust this love and care of His by giving Him more of my dreams and gifts in faith that He will magnify them more than I imagine possible!

  1. Students. I love my students. I don’t think I realized just how much I love them until a recent conversation I had with two of my teammates Abby and Abram. We were talking about schedules next semester. Abby’s schedule is going to be different than her one this semester, so she will be getting new students. At one point during this conversation Abby said to Abram, “Ya, I am getting the same schedule as Courtney”. For some unknown reason, this computed in my head to “Abby is taking Courtney’s classes”. And with this my jaw dropped, and I turned on her in dramatic flair with a hint of accusation exclaiming, “You’re getting my students?!” Abram busted out laughing as Abby clarified that she would not be taking my classes but rather be having a similar time schedule as I had this past semester. Easy Courtney. I settled down with this natural calming feeling spread over me as if to tell me “your cubs are safe”. Abram commented on my reaction, “courtney you should have seen your face!” Well, I love my students. Every poor English-speaking student, every excellent English-speaking student, every troublemaker, and every suck-up. They make up the body of students that are the extension of Father’s grace to my trial and error in my first experience as both a teacher and resident of China. And I act as their first encounter with American culture. There is a connection between us all and I believe that these classes have showed me how to love with the Father’s eyes. We are all sons and daughters of the King. “In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us” (Colossians 3:11).

  1. Time. I have never really paid attention to or realized how much time we have in our day and how directly related time is to the output/product of our life. What I put in, I will give out. Time with our Savior is essential. A relationship begins by spending time getting to know someone. Taking time to find out who the person is… and what/who has made them the person that they are today… sometimes they begin in coffee shops. Sometimes in school, or at a party. But all relationships begin the same… they begin with the investment of time. Like the way they begin, relationships blossom by the investment of time. Going to birthday parties, laughing over stupid mistakes, crying over shattering heartbreaks, pep talks in the bad seasons, meaningless chit chat, lots and lots of meals, are all ingredients to giving time to a relationship as it’s roots dig deeper and deeper. So, if being a child of the King means a relationship with him, wouldn’t that naturally mean we are to spend as much or more time spent in the presence of our King? For me, yes. I have found true joy, reward and value in the simple idea of setting aside dates with my Savior. He is the most precious relationship in my life- so should not my life reflect this? China has been the breeding grounds for a vibrant and flourishing dating life with my Savior. Because of my lack of ability to be attentive for too long, or my constant ability to always be moving and doing, I have found daily quiet time a very difficult challenge in my walk. However, the wonderful gift I have in living in my own apartment has stimulated this development of penciling in dates with my Savior. One of my most treasured dates that I have come to need every couple of days, is to sit in His presence through music. I have a worship play list, one cinnamon-smelling candle and a string of Christmas lights that I turn on for some time during the evenings. I will sit in the glowingly-lit living room and allow my time to be formed in different ways. Some days, I simply sit in “thought”. Others, I will write- as one of my biggest passions is to communicate myself through words. There have even been a few occasions where I have just danced away or sung along with the music and the tune of the heartbeat my Father has graciously given. And in this idea of having dates with him, I have seen a more consistent awareness of His presence in my life. I hope I will cling to this precious discipline in my life when I come back into my own culture. Psalm 98

  1. Performance. Living in China, performances are a HUGE part of everyday life. There is this strange addiction to be performing or be performed for at every event or even every little gathering of people. I have truly LOVED allowing this aspect of culture to penetrate my life. A…. because I LOVE performance and being dramatic and yes, I’ll admit it having a captive audience. And B…. it is SO healthy for one’s pride! I mean hello, there are multiple times a month where you end up singing a solo for students or colleagues regardless of your actual natural ability or inability to produce anything musical. So, I will be doing my best to infuse this aspect of Chinese culture into American culture!! Be prepared friends… you come over and you can expect to sing a solo J

  1. Wide assortment of vegetables! While China does not have very common “snack” or generic foods in its markets as America does in every grocery store, I have developed a strong appreciation and dependency on vegetables. There is a wide assortment of veggie options, and they are literally dirt cheap. It’s a wondrous thing that I believe most days of the week I am a strict vegetarian!

  1. Family-style meals. Last night I realized how dependent I have become to family style meals. As a few of us dined at a Korean restaurant, Abram asked us if we preferred to get several bigger dishes to share, or if we wanted to get individual plates. I instantly bristled at the idea of having to choose one plate of which to eat from. As this thought tumbled across my mind, I was caught completely off-guard. What?! When did I enjoy sharing my food? I’ve always been embarrassingly selfish with my food! Yet, China has proven to mold even this- I LOVE sharing plates of food because it eliminates the need to choose just one thing to eat. I’m sure I will bring this habit back to the states as well; as I’m sure I will be unconsciously moving my fork towards others’ plates in hopes of trying their food as well. Perhaps you all can begin to share with one another in order to put me at ease when I do come home in six months!

  1. Touch. My personal space bubble has diminished slightly, while my touchiness has increased. It is very very common to see friends in China, (guy-guy relationships and girl-girl relationships) holding hands or linking arms while walking down the streets or sitting in class. It no longer weirds me out to see two of my male students holding hands during class time devoted to partner discussion. It is simply not “gay” here- it is embraced as a ganqing thing…. And has been passed along to me. I often find myself watching movies with my teammates and I will link arms with the ones closest to me. Or I will link arms as we walk down the street. It is an odd concept which has taken root in day-to-day living because I am NOT a naturally touchy person… I enjoy my space and do not like to touch a lot.

  1. Baking/Cooking. I have come to love the creativity one can embrace in the kitchen as a resident of China. Towards the end of the semester I began becoming tired of the cafeteria food and its excessive oil. So, the other option: cook myself. Well, I have master many types of baked goods and have even have “Betty Crockered” myself enough to make a veggie stir fry with a rice cooker! My stove is unreliable and continuously will up and decide not to work. Rice cooker- why not?! And while it is a much smaller volume than my deep dish stir-fry pans, it is quite the delicious substitute!

So there you have a few of my favorite things about being here in China in reflection of the first semester! I am sorry for the long post- Please feel free to skim around as you see fit!

Love and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Court--I loved reading this post! You are growing and changing and it's weird to think I'm not around to see it, but I will definitely embrace your new ways when you come back!
